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Author Guidelines

Editorial Process

All research articles submitted to Ecocene are peer-reviewed in a double-blind system. Submissions must be non-simultaneous and any conflict(s) of interest should be revealed. The editorial process starts upon the submission of the work to the journal. Preliminary review is conducted in-house by managing editors initially to evaluate the suitability of the work for the journal and then proceed with sending the submitted articles to two anonymous reviewers for assessment. Our timeline for review is 3-4 months. An article needs two favorable reports and a final approval from the editorial team in order to be published. Reviewers are asked to assess the strength of the manuscript’s arguments and the quality of its research. Reviewers are also asked to grade the article on a scale that includes 1.accept; 2. accept with minor revisions; 3. revise and resubmit; and 3. reject. If revision is requested, authors are anonymously informed about the reviewers’ comments. Upon receiving the revised version, we ask the original reviewers to evaluate the new version of the article. Then, there is an in-house evaluation of the revised manuscript. Articles that do not follow the specified author guidelines below will not be processed. We also welcome proposals for special clusters of up to 5 articles (3000- 5500 words) with an optional introduction by the cluster's editor.

Originality and Academic Honesty

By submitting to Ecocene authors affirm that their work is entirely original, that it has not been wholly or partly published elsewhere, or that it is currently not under review at another journal. They are responsible for ensuring that their work does not infringe anyone’s intellectual property rights, and they must properly follow rules of referencing and citation for any sources referred to in their work. It is the prime accountability of the authors to be committed to academic honesty and refrain from any act of plagiarism.

If plagiarism is detected by the editorial board member, reviewer, editor etc., in any stage of article process- before or after acceptance, during editing or at a page proof stage, the author(s) will be notified and will be asked to rewrite the content or the to cite the references from where the content has been taken. If more than 25% of the paper is plagiarized, the article may be rejected by notification to the author.

All the submitted manuscripts for publication are checked for plagiarism (by using iThenticate) after submission and before starting review. The manuscripts in which the plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of the plagiarism:

 <5% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be given an ID and the manuscript is sent to author for content revision.

5- 30% Plagiarism: The manuscript will not be given an ID and the manuscript is sent back to author for content revision.

>30% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be rejected without review.

Ethics Statement

Ecocene is committed to publishing high-quality content. The editorial operations of the journal are governed by transparent and fair ethical standards. Our publication ethics and our policies are closely aligned with COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Core Practices document, which can be accessed at: COPE Core Practices. Ecocene reserves the right to issue retractions if the article is proven to have serious misconduct, such as plagiarism. In this case, the journal will take the necessary actions required by the case. The chief responsibility of the editors is to determine which submissions to the journal will be published. Their decisions are made on the basis of the manuscript’s scholarly merit and that the author’s race, gender, religious or political beliefs, ethnicity, or citizenship are not considered.

Copyright Information and Permissions

Ecocene does not ask authors to transfer any copyrights to the journal. The author(s) retain all copyrights of their articles. However, authors grant the publisher non-exclusive publishing rights to publish the articles. However, please note that Ecocene publishes only original materials, that is, works that have not been previously published elsewhere. Ecocene uses a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0).

Publication Charges

Ecocene demands no submission fees or page charges from authors.

Submission Guidelines

  • Ecocene only accepts online submissions. No faxed or hard copy submissions will be accepted.
  • All submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition) Author-Date System. Style guidelines can be found HERE. Articles that do not conform to these guidelines will not be considered for review.
  • Please upload two copies of your manuscript. In one copy, make sure to remove any information that identifies the author both from the content and the name of the document. 

1. File Format: All submissions are only accepted as a MS Word file (.doc, .docx) with a maximum size of 10 MB Artworks should be in a valid image format. Images should be in jpeg format with the following size and quality: 1500-1000 px width / jpeg quality 8/300 dpi.

2. Structure: Please make sure that your article conforms to all the following items. These requirements apply to the textual components of all kinds of submission.

a. Font, spacing, margins, and page size: All articles should be double-spaced on A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) paper throughout including endnotes and references. Use Times New Roman 12 throughout the text excluding endnotes and references (they should be Times New Roman 11). The main text should have margins of 3 cm on all sides. Please justify the entire text except for the references, which should be aligned to the left.

b. Titles and subheadings: Use Times New Roman 12 for the title and all subheadings. They should all be centered, bold, and written in title case.

c. Author’s name and affiliation: The title of the article should be followed by the author’s name, primary affiliation, and e-mail address. Each item should be given in a separate line. 

d. Abstract and keywords: Place the abstract right after the authorial information. Add 4-6 keywords below the abstract. Use double-spaced text and Times New Roman 12 for the abstract and keywords. Each keyword should be separated with a comma.

e. Block quotations: Quotations of prose longer than 5 lines of print or of poetry more than two lines should be blocked. Use Times New Roman 12 and double-spacing for block quotations. Margins for block quotations should be indented at 1.25 cm from both sides. Use single hard returns before and after a block quotation. 

f. Paragraph indentation and spacing: Use no indentation for the first line of the first paragraph. This also applies to the first paragraphs of the sections (if any) separated by subheadings. All other paragraphs should be indented at 0,75 cm. Do not use hard returns between the paragraphs. Avoid hitting the spacebar consecutively. Do not use any space before punctuation marks. Do not use any space before or after hyphens, en dashes, or em dashes. 

g. Images: An image embedded in a submission should not exceed one third of a page. This corresponds to approximately 11 cm in width and 8 cm in height, depending on image type. Images should be at least 300 dpi in resolution. All visual materials should come with a caption, written in Times New Roman 12 and centered below the visual.

h. Special Formatting: Avoid advanced formatting tools such as page or section breaks so that your submission can be easily reformatted later when necessary.

3. Language and Spelling: Ecocene publishes articles only in English.

  • Please use American spelling throughout your work.
  • Words in a language other than English should be italicized (e.g. Zeitgeist).
  • Similarly, authors should use italics to indicate emphasis or special usage rather than quotation marks or underlining.
  • Use double and curly quotation marks when quoting. Use single and curly quotation marks for quotations within quotations.

Thematic Articles

Thematic articles should not exceed 5500 words excluding references and notes. Authors should also send a 200-word abstract with four to six keywords as well as a 100-word short biography of themselves.

General Articles

General articles should not exceed 5500 words excluding references and notes. Authors should also send a 200-word abstract with four to six keywords as well as a 100-word short biography of themselves.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should be between 1500 and 2000 words excluding references and notes. They should also include a 100-word short biography of the book reviewer(s). Ecocene publishes book reviews on a rolling basis. For further information on how to contribute as a book reviewer, please contact our Book Review Editor, Fatma Aykanat (

Storying Ecocenes

Submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, nature narratives and more-than-human voices should be up to 3000 words. Please include your name and email address on your submitted work. For further information on how to contribute to Storying Ecocenes, please contact our section editors Cheryl J. Fish ( and Darren Fleet (

Ecocene Arts

Submissions of interdisciplinary projects, sound works, podcasts, performances, site-specific works, installations, animation, video, visual art, photography, and drawings are welcome. To contribute, please send a 100-word biography, 200-word abstract, 4-6 keywords, 1000-1500-word artist statement, 4-6 digital images (300 dpi), and sound or video links to Ecocene Arts Editor, prOphecy sun (

Privacy Statement

Publishing Agreement

I, as the Author/Corresponding Author of the above-stated article (“Article” hereafter), hereby submit the Article for publication in Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities (“Journal” hereafter), a publication of Cappadocia University Press (Kapadokya Üniversitesi Yayınları) (“Publisher” hereafter).

I, as the Author/Corresponding Author of the Article, accept, declare and confirm that the Article, which I submitted to the Publisher and the Journal, a publication of Cappadocia University Press (Kapadokya Üniversitesi Yayınları), and which I prepared in compliance with the Journal’s guidelines and publication terms with the prospect of its publication is original; that no part of it is plagiarized; that it has not been published before partially or completely as it is accepted by the Journal; that it has not been simultaneously submitted for review and/or publication by another publisher; that I have clearly stated in a footnote on the first page of the Article the name(s) of any conferences in which any earlier versions of the Article have been delivered but not published in any conference proceedings (if any), or any other publication(s) in which any earlier versions  of the Article have been published (if any); that I agree to indemnify the Journal and the Publisher against any claim or action alleging facts which, if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties or other provisions of this agreement, as well as against any related damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses incurred by the Journal and the Publisher at any time; that I agree to transfer to the Journal and the Publisher all publication rights, in any medium, of the Article that includes the necessary revisions/corrections incorporated in the text by the editor(s) of the Journal as of the date of publication of the Article.

I, as the Author/Corresponding Author of the Article, by signing this form;

  • warrant that I am signing on behalf of all authors of the Article, and that I have the authority to act as their agent for the purpose of entering into this agreement;
  • agree to grant a Creative Commons copyright license in the Article to the general public, in particular a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which is incorporated herein by reference and is further specified at;
  • agree to require that a citation to the original publication of the Article in the Journal be included in any attribution statement satisfying the attribution requirement of the Creative Commons license of the previous paragraph;
  • warrant that the use of the text, tables and images (if applicable) that are part of the Article does not invade anyone’s copyrights or otherwise violate any legal rights of anyone;
  • declare that the Journal and/or the Publisher do(es) not carry any responsibility in case of any claim or action by third parties related to violation of copyrights; that the Author/Corresponding Author solely has the complete responsibility in such cases;
  • accept and declare that I assign all exclusive rights for the processing, production, representation, printing, publication and distribution rights, including the rights on the internet, of the Article to the Journal and the Publisher and its authorized officials for an unlimited time as of the date of the signing of this agreement;
  • accept and declare that I retain all exclusive patenting rights (if any) and all exclusive copyrights of the Article, as well as the rights to use the Article in future publications and works and to reproduce the Article for other personal uses, all completely free of charge.
  • accept and declare that all authors of the Article retain the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the Article through postal services and electronic means;
  • accept and declare that the Article is original; that it has not been published before partially or completely as it is accepted by the Journal in another peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed journal, a book or an edited collection of essays; that is has not been simultaneously submitted for review and/or publication by another Publisher;
  • warrant that the Article does not have any other author(s) than the Author/Corresponding Author and those represented by the Corresponding Author; that I have the complete and unhindered authority to enter into this agreement;
  • warrant that the article does not libel anyone, invade anyone’s copyrights or otherwise violate any statutory or common law right of anyone;
  • warrant that I have made all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of any factual information contained in the Article and that I agree to indemnify the Publisher against any claim or action alleging facts which, if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties or other provisions of this agreement, as well as against any related damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses incurred by the Publisher.
  • accept and declare that the articles of this agreement will bind and benefit our respective assigns and successors in interest;
  • accept and declare that this agreement will terminate if the Publisher does not publish, in any medium, the Article within one year of the date of the Author’s/Corresponding Author’s signature.

Names and Last Names of All Authors of the Article, including the Corresponding Author